Add a thing to your favorite thing

Choose one of your favorite activities that makes you happy, curious or pleased. Add a new behavior that could be a new part of your already favorite activity. 
Train on your own

Add a thing to your favorite thing

Do you feel that one day is the same as the other? Even if you have heard that it is good for us to try out new things – it might feel like you neither have the time, the desire nor the energy. If that is the case, it might be enough to develop the activities you already do with new behaviors! It is easier for us to break the autopilot and do new activities if we are loaded with positive emotions. Researcher Barbara L. Fredrickson has shown this in several studies underlying her Broaden-and-Build theory. What Fredrickson means is that we open our minds and more easily try new behaviors when we are loaded with positive emotions. When you do a favorite activity that already gives you positive emotions, you can take the opportunity to try doing something small but new. If climbing is your favorite activity – maybe you can try to roller skate your way to the climbing? If you love to cook – maybe you can add a cooking dance while the lasagna is in the oven? If getting the kids to bed is a cozy activity that warms your heart – maybe you can add singing a goodnight song or swap the book for a self-found story? Simply add a new thing to your favorite thing!

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